Check out these new and improved tools! – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Check out these new and improved tools!

We have been working hard this winter trying to help you be more efficient…..

These tools/calculators are now available on our Purdue Turf Science web-site to help you answer various turf-related questions.

  1. An updated Turf Fertilizer Calculator. It still allows you to calculate granular fertilizer needs based on target nutrient rate and product analysis. It has been enhanced to help applicators interpret a fertilizer label and offers a new calculator to help determine liquid product needs.
  2. A NEW seed calculator: This tool allows you to understand a seed label, calculate seed needs, and compare products.
  3. A NEW sand needs calculator: This new tool helps turfgrass managers determine sand needs for topdressing, filling core aeration holes and sand bunkers. It was designed in response to the numerous questions regarding how much sand to use. Users input various criteria such as how large their area is, what depth they intend to apply the sand, provides information regarding the importance of core cultivation and sand topdressing and the potential golfer’s response to core aeration spacing/depth.
  4. A NEW lawn species selection tool. This new tool was created in response to the numerous questions related to the “what is the BEST species” to plant in lawns throughout the state. This tool allows the user to first identify the site criteria: user’s must select their turf intended turf use (lawn or utility turf), environmental conditions (shade vs. sun), desired appearance/intended visual quality (low, medium, high), and the specific county where the turf will be cultivated. The tool then provides a list of potential species that could be planted and successfully cultured on the site. In addition a color photo of the turfgrass and brief description of the species are provided. Additionally a printable copy of this description is also offered. It also provides a link to important cultural and pest information for the North Central Region at the “Lawn Problem Solver” as well as our own Extension publications.

As always we are open to your feedback and suggestions for potential improvement. If something does not seem to be working properly, PLEASE let me know…

Cale A. Bigelow (


Disclaimer: Reference to products is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others which may have similar uses. Any person using products listed in these articles assumes full responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.
Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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