Dandelion Flower Counting Macro
Digital image analysis provides researchers a method to accurately and efficiently analyze turfgrass parameters including cover, color, disease severity, and more. Opportunities for processing images has increased due to the free and open-source nature of many new programs. We developed a macro (set of macroinstructions) within the open-source software ImageJ that is able to count the number and quantify the percent coverage of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg.) blooms in field plot images, which allows for collection of objective data on broadleaf weeds. This macro provides researchers with a rapid and accurate method of determining the number and percent coverage of dandelion blooms in field plots using image analysis.
Journal article: Patton, A.J., R.A. Higginbotham, Q.D. Law, and D.V. Weisenberger. 2021. Counting dandelion blooms in field plots using an image processing program. International Turfgrass Research Journal. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/its2.32
The macro code, use instructions, researcher visual counts, and the set of images used in this analysis are available at