The Midwest Regional Turf Field Day that will be held on Tuesday, July 21 at the W.H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center in West Lafayette. A number of additions should make this one of the best field days yet. The field day includes:
A morning workshop in Spanish – Victoria Caceres will be teaching “White Grub Biology and Control” Spanish and designed for the key members of your staff that are more comfortable learning in Spanish than English.
Afternoon workshop entitled “Economics of Fertilizer: Surviving in a changing market” by Dan Frick, of Frick Services, Inc., who is a specialist in fertilizer availability on both the retail and wholesale levels.
Afternoon sports turf tour visiting all of the renovations of Purdue sports fields due to the Mackey Arena expansion. Includes Bermuda, cool-season, and in-fill fields.
Afternoon tour on pest control of lawn and golf turf and includes short discussions on weeds, diseases, and insects as we tour across the Daniel Center plots.
The morning research tours including stops on Poa annua in greens, goosegrass, yellow nutsedge, wetting agents, crabgrass, white grubs, geese, and three different stops on ornamentals in the landscape.
Tradeshow and equipment demonstration featuring the latest equipment and products available to the industry.
Pork chop lunch by Shoup’s Catering
Up to 4 CCH’s 3b requested
All this plus substantial discounts for multiple registrants of the MRTF, so bring the whole staff!! More information is available at or from Jennifer at 765-494-8039 or at and county extension educators are provided free admission.