The deadline of January 16 is fast approaching for pre-registration for the Midwest Turf Expo. Though registration is also available on site, pre-registration saves you time and money. Registration information is available at and it can be faxed or mailed. Call Dan Weisenberger at 765-494-8087 if you have questions about registration.
The Turf Expo is poised to be another top-notch show again this year with outstanding speakers from across the country, great in-depth workshops, a USGA Seminar, an almost sold out tradeshow. Since the tradeshow is held in cooperation with the Indiana Park and Recreation Association, you can also attend their educational sessions for free if you’re registered at the Turf Expo. There’s also special one-day registrations for lawn care technicians, sports turf, horticulturalists, and golf course equipment technicians which are a great cost-effective way to bring the whole staff! CCH’s in Categories 3a, 3b, 5, 6,and 7 are available as well as GCSAA educational credits. Refer to our web page at for full details and don’t miss it!