We have received a number of calls, email, and electronic photos inquiring about current brown patches in the lawn. Dollar spot is active throughout the state and could be causing problems in lawns. Dollar spot causes very noticeable lesions and cotton candy mycelium in the early morning. However, many of the patches that I have been seeing are due to the seedstalks of perennial ryegrass (Turf Tips 6/6/06). A stand seeded primarily with perennial ryegrass will look almost white right now (see photos), primarily from the off-color seedstalks. Most of the exceptionally poor looking areas have also experienced some drought stress in the last month, which slowed down leaf growth and made the seed stalks even more visible. There is nothing that can be done about these seedstalks other than maintaining a sharp blade and mowing regularly. They should only last for a few more weeks or so before they fully deteriorate.