I have received a number of calls recently about controlling quackgrass in turf. Quack is difficult to control because it spreads by deep rhizomes and herbicides do not translocate well through the rhizomes. The current best method is with 3-4 applications of glyphosate spaced 3-4 weeks apart followed by reseeding in early August. Do not till the area prior to seeding for fear of bringing up rhizomes that would quickly germinate. Instead just power rake or scarify the area to improve seed soil contact. Unfortunately, these deep rhizomes may regerminate in future years. A more aggressive approach is to spray glyphosate, till about seven days after glyphosate application, wait until quackgrass regerminates from exposed rhizomes, and then repeat the process as needed 3 to 4 times to eliminate as many of the viable rhizomes as possible. There are no selective controls labeled for quackgrass, but our current research shows that Monsanto’s Certainty will provide at least short-term selective control of quackgrass. Stay tuned for more information and potential label changes on Certainty. Pictures and more information can be found in “AY-11: Identification and Control of Perennial Grassy Weeds” at http://www.agry.purdue.edu/turf/pubs/AY-11.pdf