Crabgrass and yellow nutsedge are really starting to flourish. Unfortunately, our options for control of either weed are becoming limited. Plus the hot temperatures increase the risk for turf damage with any herbicide applied now. The best current option for crabgrass is quinclorac (Drive or Quinclorac), which has the best activity among all the post emergence products on tillered carbgrass. Be sure to include a methylated seed oil as a surfactant. Drive will burn fine fescue consistently, and in some cases, creeping bentgrass especially under high temperatures. Monsanto’s Certainty (sulfosulfuron) along with Gowan’s Sedgehammer (halosulfuron – formerly Manage) are the two best products for yellow nutsedge control. At least two applications will be needed and these applications will only control this year’s crop of nutsedge at best, but have little effect on future infestations. We’ll have a really nice stop on postemergence crabgrass control topics at our Field Day on July 17 and registration information is at