Moles are back in the limelight!. These small subterranean, tunnel-making pests are causing big frustrations for those managing turfgrass and landscapes. Mole damage is most common during the spring and fall.
The only two methods of effectively controlling moles are to; (1) use a bait that they are attracted to OR (2) to physically remove them.
A fairly recent bait that has been proven to be effective is packaged and sold in the form of a worm. The attractive smell and taste that is incorporated into the worm, together with Bromethalin (the active ingredient that poisons the mole), makes for a lethal combination.
Two effective mole traps can be used. A newly designed scissor trap is now recommended for surface mole runs. It is very effective. The old style harpoon trap is still the preferred trap by many seasoned mole trappers.
Whether using traps or worm-shaped baits, placement is critical. Choose a run that the mole uses regularly. Usually this is a run that is in a straight line as opposed to squiggly tunnels that are generally used for food foraging only. Often the best straight runs follow a structural guideline such as a curb or a gutter, because these are used regularly as the moles travel between foraging areas. To determine if a run is active, stomp it down flat then check the following day to see if it is pushed back up. If the tunnel has been repaired, it is usually an active tunnel and should be considered for trapping or baiting.