Rounds 4 Research: Auction is Open until May 6. Support the Purdue Turf Program – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Rounds 4 Research: Auction is Open until May 6. Support the Purdue Turf Program

The 2018 Rounds 4 Research auction is now open. The auction is open April 30-May 6, 2018 with proceeds going to support turf research at Purdue University and in Indiana through the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation. Fundraising supports research and education programs for the benefit of golf course management professionals, golf facilities, and the game.

This fundraiser offers great golf deals and access to exclusive golf courses in Indiana and the nation. 26 foursomes (with various packages) were donated in Indiana. So, tell your friends, family, and community to bid on these rounds. Let the bidding begin!
Bid Online Now (

If you have any questions, please contact the Rounds 4 Research team at or 800-472-7878.

Thank you for your support!

Aaron Patton, Executive Director, Midwest Regional Turf Foundation
Jim Hess, President, Midwest Regional Turf Foundation


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Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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