Two Purdue Authors Revise Turfgrass Textbook – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Two Purdue Authors Revise Turfgrass Textbook

Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management is the bestselling text with expert coverage of basic turfgrass science and all aspects of practical care. Now in its fifth edition, this industry favorite offers the latest information on growth, nutrition, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, as well as new chapters discussing shade stress and light requirements and the benefits of turf.

Written on a level appropriate for students, but with a wealth of information useful to new and experienced turfgrass professionals, this textbook provides foundational knowledge that readers can apply and adapt on the job to nearly any situation.

A wide range of topics are covered, such as fertilization, grass selection, pest management, plant growth regulators, sports turf management practices, soil testing, and water quality. Today’s turf managers must have detailed knowledge of agronomy, botany, entomology, horticulture, pathology, and business management. This book brings these diverse fundamentals together into a single volume and will help you to:

  • Master the art and science of turfgrass care, cultivation, and management
  • Learn best practices for mowing, fertilizing, soil health, irrigation, and more
  • Identify, manage, and control insect, disease, and weed pests
  • Examine the professional management of sports turf, golf courses, lawns, and sod

Dr. Aaron Patton and Quincy Law of Purdue University joined Nick Christians of Iowa State University to author this fifth edition. Their additions and updates to each chapter in the 5th edition provide additional valuable insights. The text is updated throughout to reflect the latest research-based information and trends in the turfgrass industry.

Coverage throughout is refreshed with new illustrations and charts, and:

  • Two new chapters (Chapter 1: Benefits of Turf and Its Management and Chapter 12: Light Requirements and Shade Management)
  • Multiple new and revised figures throughout the book
  • Increased discussion and description of cool-season and warm-season turfgrasses
  • Extra information on establishment methods and costs
  • Updated information on soil testing and turf nutrition
  • Expanded content on cultivation and sand topdressing
  • Enhanced weed management information
  • Added information on professional lawn care programs
  • New information on fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and plant growth regulators

About the text:

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Page last modified: February 4, 2019

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