Weather warms up at week’s end for the Indiana Green Expo (January 8-10, 2014) – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Weather warms up at week’s end for the Indiana Green Expo (January 8-10, 2014)

January 8-10, 2014
Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN

While the weather outside is frightful today (Monday, January 6 2014) and tomorrow (Tuesday, January 7 2014) it does look to improve considerably by week’s end with highs near 40 degrees for the Indiana Green Expo (January 8-10, 2014).

Don’t miss out on Indiana’s largest turf and landscape education event.

Education schedule (different education tracks), workshop descriptions, speaker highlights, exhibitors and trade show events found at or click here for IGE 2014 Brochure.

Highlighted Turf Speakers
We are excited to bring in a great group of speakers in the turf sessions this year. Highlighted speakers include:
Eric Baumeister, The Toro Company
Joe Becovitz, Office of the Indiana State Chemist
Cale Bigelow, Purdue University
Bill Brown, CGCS, Turf Republic
Mark Esoda, CGCS, Atlanta Country Club
Kevin Frank, Michigan State University
Keith Happ, United States Golf Association
Rick Latin, Purdue University
Bruce Martin, Clemson University
Aaron Patton, Purdue University 
Doug Richmond, Purdue University
James Rutledge, Bayer
Pamela Sherratt, Ohio State University
David Shetlar, Ohio State University 
John Sorochan, University of Tennessee
Fred Whitford, Purdue University

Many other great speakers will be here for the plant materials, installation/maintenance, production, business, and hardscape education tracks as well.

Don’t forget Wednesday’s workshops including golf and lawn specific options. Check out the workshop listings.



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Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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