Nematode Survey Still On-Going – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Nematode Survey Still On-Going

As summer stresses start to take a toll on our cool-season grasses on greens, more questions are arising about the potential of nematodes. We found ring and stunt nematodes in many of our samples from last year, but we’re not convinced yet that they are a primary cause in turf decline (see for complete results). Pinpointing the cause of turf decline to nemtodes is extremely complex because of the inter-relationships occurring within the soil. Stress from heat, drought, localized dry spots, cultivation, low mowing, compaction, take-all patch, summer patch, natural decline of Poa annua , and other factors complicate diagnosis of nematode symptoms. Therefore, the Purdue Nematology Lab is currently encouraging submission of turf samples. The cost of each sample is only $10. For questions or comments, contact Jamal Faghihi at 765-494-5901 or . More information on general nematology is available at

Here’s how to submit:

  • •Take at least two cup-cutter samples 4 inches deep, one from a traditionally healthy area and one from a suspect area. 
    •Keep the samples cool and send them to us as soon as possible after collection. Avoid mailing on a Thursday or Friday to limit the chance of samples being delayed and stored in a post office somewhere. 
  • •Fill out the .pdf form found here and include with the samples. You will receive the results, but your individual results will remain confidential when the survey results are released. 
  • • Mail, FedEx, or Overnight Delivery to: 
  • Purdue University Nematology Lab 
  • Smith Hall 
  • 901 W. State Street 
  • West Lafayette , IN 47907-2089 .


Jamal Faghihi and Virginia Ferris, Purdue Nematology


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Page last modified: May 21, 2019

Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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