Two teams of Purdue students traveled to San Antonio, TX to participate in the Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annual Collegiate Challenge sponsored by Hunter Industries on 24 January, 2014. During the two-hour competition, teams were divided into students pursuing either a 4-year or 2-year degree. All competitors were required to properly identify turfgrasses, weeds, insects, diseases and turf soils. In addition, they were tested for their knowledge of general sports turf management, the mathematics related to turf management and supplemental irrigation. The two Purdue teams placed 3rd and 13th out of 32 teams competing. The 4-year competition was won by the University of Maryland and Virginia Tech took 2nd place. Those students competing were; Matt Dudley, Zach Ferguson, Andrew Marking, Andrew Wilhelm, Matt Shaffer, Cam Rice and Matt Hession. In addition to the competition, the students were able to take advantage of many educational activities specifically geared for students, the industry trade-show and also attended the annual STMA awards banquet. The teams are greatly appreciative for the support in defraying travel expenses that they received from the Mid-West Regional Turf Foundation and the Indiana STMA chapter.