Bermuda suppression in zoysia? – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Bermuda suppression in zoysia?

Bermudagrass is one of the most difficult species to control due to its extensive stolon and rhizome system, aggressive growth, and tolerance to management and environmental extremes. It is even more difficult to control selectively in another warm season grass, thus it can be a problem wherever zoysiagrass is grown as the desirable turf. Recent research by Scott McElroy and his colleagues at University of Tennessee shows that adding Turflon Ester (triclopyr) to Acclaim (fenoxaprop) increases bermudagrass suppression while increasing safety to the zoysia (Table 1). Adding Turflon maintains the Bermuda suppression of Fusilade, but dramatically improves the safety on zoysia. Three applications of each treatment were made at 28 day intervals starting in early June in this study. Separate stands of zoysia and Bermudagrass were used at this study with the zoysia mowed at either 0.5 inch or 2.0 inch and the Bermudagrass mowed at 3 inches. Our work in selectively controlling creeping bentgrass and Poa trivialis within another grass indicate that mowing heights have a dramatic effect on control and safety. Even though this may also be the case in warm-season grasses, the Tennessee results indicate that Turflon added to either Fusilade or Acclaim has the ability to suppress Bermudagrass in zoysia. The full report is available online in the Journal of Applied Turfgrass Science at

Table 1: Effect of three monthly applications of herbicides alone and in combination on suppression of Bermudagrass and safety to zoysia. Adapted from McElroy and Breeden, 2006.

      Zoysia injury
    Bermudagrass Meyer Meyer Cavalier
    suppression 2004 2005 2005
Herbicide Rate 3” mow 0.5” mow 0.5” mow 2” mow

  oz/A ———————————-%——————————-
Acclaim Extra 28 39 b 38 a 18 ab 42 a
Fusilade II 6 74 a c 23 a 38 b
Spotlight 20 c d c c
Turflon Ester 32 47 b d 10 abc c
Acclaim+Turflon 28+20 35 b 18 b 16 ab 38 b
Acclaim+Turflon 28+32 67 a d bc c
Fusilade+Spotlight 6+20 76 a c 20 ab 39 ab
Fusilade+Turflon 6+32 69 a d c c

Means within columns followed by the same letter are statistically equivalent according to least significant difference means separation (P=0.05).

Disclaimer: Reference to products is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others which may have similar uses. Any person using products listed in these articles assumes full responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.
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