Crabgrass Germination Coming Soon! – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Crabgrass Germination Coming Soon!

This time of year many have questions about crabgrass control. Below are several previous Purdue turf tips that answer the most commonly asked questions about crabgrass control.

  1. When will crabgrass germinate?
  2. When should I apply my preemergence herbicide (crabgrass preventer)?
  3. Which preemergence herbicide should I use?
  4. How do I control crabgrass in spring seeded turf?
  5. Do split applications provide better control than a single application?
  6. How to identify crabgrass?
  7. How will the cool spring affect crabgrass control? Originally posted April 22, 2011
  8. How might a late frost affect crabgrass?
Forsythia blooms are an indicator that crabgrass germination is just around the corner. See the link above “When will crabgrass germinate?”

For more information on weed control, search this blog (search box in upper left corner of page) and archived turf tip postings and check out our Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals Publication

Aaron Patton, Turf Extension Specialist


Disclaimer: Reference to products is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others which may have similar uses. Any person using products listed in these articles assumes full responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.

Page last modified: April 16, 2019

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