Doug Richmond Joins Turf Program in Entomology Research – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Doug Richmond Joins Turf Program in Entomology Research

Dr. Doug Richmond has recently accepted the turfgrass entomology faculty position at Purdue University. Doug is the first of the projected six positions of Purdue’s initiative on sustainable urban ecosystems. Dr. Richmond joins the Turf Program after completing his M.S. and Ph.D. and Ohio State University in Columbus under Dr. David Shetlar and his Post Doctorate at Ohio State Agricultural Research Center in Wooster under Dr. Parvandi Grewal. Doug’s extensive training in basic research makes him a perfect fit for this position, which has a primarily research focus on fundamental questions of insect biology and behavior. Doug will also have minor teaching responsibilities for an undergraduate turf entomology class. The Turf Program is thrilled with Doug’s hire and looks forward to a strong synergism between Doug’s basic research, Tim Gibb’s applied research and extension, and the rest of the turf program. Doug officially began his position in June 1, but will be traveling between West Lafayette and Wooster all summer completing a number of current research projects. Your first chance to meet Doug will be at the Midwest Regional Field Day on July 27 in West Lafayette.


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Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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