Dr. Aaron Patton Joining Purdue as Turf Extension Specialist – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Dr. Aaron Patton Joining Purdue as Turf Extension Specialist

When I was 15 years old, I started working at the Indiana University golf course in Bloomington where I cleaned golf carts, helped out on the driving range, and occasionally worked in the pro shop. While there I had the opportunity to meet the golf course superintendent, Brent Emerick, and I began to be more interested in turf as I learned more about his career. That initial experience ultimately led me to make a decision to major in turfgrass science at Iowa State University and pursue my graduate education in turfgrass science back home at Purdue University.

As a graduate student in the Department of Agronomy at Purdue University, I was fortunate to have many opportunities to teach soil science and turfgrass science courses in the classroom. I also had many extension opportunities under the guidance of Dr. Zac Reicher including site visits to golf courses, athletic fields, and lawns where I learned a great deal about how to help turf managers solve problems. Additionally, I had other opportunities to work with the turfgrass industry when presenting at field days, conferences, and through correspondence. 

For the last three and a half years, I have served as the Turfgrass Extension Specialist at the University of Arkansas where I served the Arkansas turfgrass industry, conducted research, and mentored graduate students. Today, I am excited to return to Indiana and Purdue University where I can continue serving the turfgrass industry in a place I love and at a turf program I have such a deep commitment towards. I look forward to working with the Indiana turf industry to help solve problems, create solutions, and further the knowledge of turfgrass systems. I look forward to starting on July 1, 2010 and getting to know you all!


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Page last modified: June 11, 2019

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