This is the toughest and most expensive time of the year to establish a lawn and waiting just four or five weeks to seed in the first half of August would be ideal. However, in some cases it must be done now and following are some tips to help: Success depends on irrigation and it may be needed up to four times daily to keep the seed or sodbed moist. Your best luck will be with an automatic irrigation system. Consider sod. This will still take a lot of water, but it is your best chance now. If you seed, plan on using fungicide-treated seed and applying fungicides to limit seedling diseases. If you seed, use Tupersan in the seed bed or spray Drive or Dimension after emergence according to the label to limit annual grasses. Fertilize in September, October, and November with 0.75 to 1.0 lb N/1000 sq ft to help the turf establish regardless if you sodded or seeded.