Grub damage reports beginning to come in – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Grub damage reports beginning to come in

Reports of grub damage are becoming more frequent this week. A number of reports of damage have come from northern IN where moisture conditions have created ideal conditions for grub damage in spite of preventative insecticide applications. If grub damage and live grubs are confirmed, insecticide applications are likely justified to limit future animal feeding and damage. If an insecticide is justified, Dylox is still a great product to apply now. Be sure to water it in thoroughly for most effective control, and remember that control may be especially difficult in thatchy turf. Arena also has been shown to offer curative properties. Because it may take 7-10 days for the grubs to die after application, don’t get in a hurry to apply a second application thinking the first application was ineffective.


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