On October 17, DuPont began a process to recall and refund Imprelis from Turf professionals. DuPont has contacted distributors, who will be coordinating with turf professionals to ensure that all remaining full and partially full bottles of Imprelis® are returned. Turf professionals have 10 business days to return all Imprelis® product (4.5 fl. oz., 1.0 gallon, and 2.5 gallon bottles) to them after the initial contact from the distributor. After returning the remaining Imprelis® to the distributor, turf professionals will be given either a refund or credits, depending on the distributor’s policy. In this EPA approved disposition plan, the EPA suggests that you maintain records associated with Imprelis®, including but not limited to: 1) quantities used and returned, including product lot numbers 2) application records, and 3) purchase records.
Below are links to documents useful to turf professionals who applied Imprelis® last fall or this spring. More information is available at http://www.imprelis-facts.com/ and at (866) 796-4783.
Information From DuPont:
Imprelis Status Mailer to Users & Dealers (September 20, 2011)
DuPont Imprelis return & refund letter to applicators (October 17, 2011)
DuPont Imprelis return & refund letter to distributors (October 17, 2011)
DuPont Imprelis instructions for return & refund (October 17, 2011)