Don’t forget to register for the Midwest Regional Turf Field Day that will be held on July 26 at the W.H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center in West Lafayette. This is a great opportunity for turf professionals to view the latest in turfgrass research, talk to Purdue specialists about turf and ornamental issues, and visit with exhibitors displaying the latest in turf equipment and products. The morning tours for lawn, golf and sports turf will visit experiments at the Research Center as well as Purdue’s Ackerman Golf Course (formerly the South Course). Tours include topics on controlling Poa annua, Poa trivialis and creeping bentgrass; disease programs for fairways; topdressing; skin cancer diagnosis and prevention; moles; fertilization; heat stress in turf; understanding the new insecticides; and much, much more. There will also be two afternoon programs this year on Sudden Oak Death and the legalities of transporting pesticides. At least 3 CCH’s in Cat 3b will be offered as well as CCH’s in other categories and Pork Chop Charlie will serve his renowned pork chops at noon. This is a great educational opportunity for the entire staff! More information is available from Jennifer at 765-494-8039 or at and county extension educators are provided free admission (lunch is available for $10 each).