The GDDTracker Team (Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio) is proud to launch the latest version of our turf pest tracking web site ( We have been very hard at work to bring you an even better product in 2011. You can now drop a star on the map to mark your location and with the new Google Maps interface, you can zoom in for a closer look. Another major change for 2011 is the addition of Ohio to the GDDTracker network; joining Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. Significant upgrades to the network include the addition of daily max/min air and soil temperatures and improved (12 km) resolution across the entire GDDTracker user region.
This website is useful for the tracking of the following:
Primo/Proxy application timing for annual bluegrass seedhead suppression
Embark application timing for annual bluegrass seedhead suppression
Annual bluegrass flowering
Broadleaf weed control timings
Broadleaf wed flowering
Crabgrass germination dates
Crabgrass preemergence herbicide application timings
Japanese beetle activity/life cycle
Bluegrass billbug activity/life cycle
Black turfgrass ataenius activity/life cycle
To help make this easier for you to use, you can sign up for email alerts to let you know when these events are about to occur or are occurring. Thanks to Dr. Ron Calhoun at Michigan State University for all of his hard work in putting this site together.
Aaron Patton, Assistant Professor/Turfgrass Extension Specialist