Even though the Midwest Regional Turf Field Day is one of the largest in the country, we’re always looking for new and improved ideas. The MRTF Board of Directors and the Purdue Staff have put their heads together and come up with a number of new ideas for this year’s Field Day including:
- Morning lawn and sports turf tours (golf course staff are still more than welcome!)
- Afternoon tour devoted to golf turf including stops on Purdue’s Ackerman Course (the old South Course)
- Afternoon workshop entitled “The Latest and Greatest in Lawn Weed Control” by Ron Calhoun of Michigan State. Ron is one of the most enlightening and entertaining speakers in the country and always “worth the price of admission!”
- Pesticide credits from surrounding states in addition to the 4 CCH’s from Indiana
- requested from Michigan
- requested from Ohio
- 4 General & 1 Specific Hr. from Kentucky
- Lunch from Shoup’s Catering (Pork Chop Charlie is nearing retirement and is choosing to serve only close to home)
All the new ideas plus traditional tradeshow and educational options makes this Field Day a great opportunity for anyone involved in turf management. Bring the whole staff and take advantage of deep discounts on registration. More information is available at http://www.agry.purdue.edu/turf/events/fieldday/fdregistration.pdf or from Jennifer at 765-494-8039 or at biehlj@purdue.edu