The recent heat may unfortunately favor early exit of Poa annua from golf turf. However, there is a silver lining to this. Rutgers reported that overseeding creeping bentgrass directly into a Poa stand in summer is effective for gradual conversion when done July 1. Rutgers produced significant (>25% cover) of bentgrass within 12 months of seeding. Conversely, our work showed overseeding bentgrass into mixed Poa in the fall is effective only in the very long term, taking three to five years before significant bentgrass populations are established. Though there are distinct differences in the methods and results between our studies, seeding date is key. Seeding bentgrass in summer just as the Poa is weakening maximizes the amount of time the bentgrass has to establish before the Poa germinates in September. Our late August seeding only had a few weeks to germinate and establish before the Poa germinated and started to compete. For best results, combine it with some form of aerification (solid tines, Quad-tines™, Job Saver™, etc), use the newer, more aggressive bentgrasses like L93 instead of the older cultivars, and allow the Poa annua to thin as much as is tolerable.