Controlling annual bluegrass (Poa annua) and rough bluegrass (Poa trivialis) in lawns is difficult, and relies on both cultural and chemical control. This publication describes these weeds and offers management strategies.
This publication describes the life cycle and identification of yellow nutsedge and recommends cultural and chemical management options for homeowners. A similar publication is available for turf professionals: Turfgrass Management Sedge Control for Turf Professionals (AY-338-W)
This guide provides weed identification and control information that turfgrass professionals can use to develop effective weed control programs for golf courses, athletic fields, sod farms, lawns, and other turfgrass systems. The recommendations apply to the majority of the United States, with input from experts in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, […]
This publication describes the life cycle and identification of yellow nutsedge, and recommends cultural and chemical management options in cool- and warm-season turf for professional turf managers. This publication also addresses other problem sedges. A similar publication is available for homeowners: Turfgrass Management Yellow Nutsedge Control (AY-19-W)