Turf Science Program Awarded the School of Agriculture’s 2004 Team Award – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Turf Science Program Awarded the School of Agriculture’s 2004 Team Award

Dean Vic Lechtenberg announced at the GCSAA Conference in San Diego that the Turfgrass Science Program has won the prestigious Team Award for the School of Agriculture. This award is given annually to a team of faculty and staff who have demonstrated outstanding cooperation and success as a team. Team members include Drs. Cale Bigelow, Tim Gibb, Rick Latin, Zac Reicher, Ron Turco, and Fred Whitford. This award would never have been possible without the unselfish cooperation of Dr. Clark Throssell, Bev Bratton, Don Fassnacht, Glenn Hardebeck, Dan Weisenberger, and all of the graduate students. Additionally, much of the credit for this award goes to our outstanding alumni and the entire turf industry of Indiana who have tirelessly supported the Purdue Turf Program over the years. Thanks for your help!


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Page last modified: May 15, 2019

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