Winterkill Here on Bermudagrass! Now What? – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Winterkill Here on Bermudagrass! Now What?

This winter has resulted in significant winterkill on bermudagrass throughout the nation and Indiana was not an exception. Brutally cold temperatures, coined as the polar vortex, swept through the country in early January with many other subsequent cold days and nights to follow. The below link summarizes the damage that I have observed this spring, factors that resulted in winterkill, and a summary of available options to recover these areas. Also, shown below is a roadmap illustrating some of the different damage around the state.

Winterkill Here on Bermudagrass! Now What? (PDF)

Aaron Patton, Turfgrass Extension Specialist

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Page last modified: April 1, 2019

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