A Few Opening Still Available for the Turf and Ornamental Seminar on November 9-10. – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

A Few Opening Still Available for the Turf and Ornamental Seminar on November 9-10.

The Turf and Ornamental Seminar will be held on Monday November 9 and Tuesday November 10 at the Daniel Center at Purdue. This course is an advanced class for lawn care, golf course, sports turf, and sales staff. Enrollment is definitely limited to 70 attendees to optimize individual attention and allow plenty of time for questions and discussion. Topics this year emphasize weed control but also include turfgrass insect and disease topics. Ornamental topics include fertilization, insect and disease control. Fred Whitford will be discussing the latest information on the stability of plastic storage and spray tanks, something we all use in our jobs. Nine CCH’s 3b, and 8 CCH’s 3a, have all been approved. Registration and agenda information can be found at http://www.agry.purdue.edu/turf/events/t&o_registration.pdf or register on-line at: http://mrtf.org/php/education.php#TandO


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Page last modified: May 23, 2019

Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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