Jennifer Biehl

Jennifer Biehl Moves to New Position
After 10 years working in the Turf Program at Purdue, Jennifer Biehl is taking a new position. She will start her new position as Assistant Director of the Global Supply Chain Management Masters Program in Purdue Krannert School of Management the week of September 16. If you have any questions, comments or concerns for the […]
Turf and Landscape Field Day: July 9, 2013
Purdue Turf & Landscape Field Day Tuesday, July 9, 2013 W.H. Daniel Turf Center, West Lafayette PREREGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 28 Register on-line, US mail, fax or call. Registration Form (PDF format) Exhibitor Contract (PDF format) Register on-line at Free Attendance for one person with new MRTF membership Up […]
Rounds 4 Research
Rounds 4 Research is an innovative program aimed at generating resources to fund research and help ensure golf’s future. The premise is simple: Golf facilities can support the effort by donating rounds of golf for two or four or “stay and play” packages and other items that will be auctioned off online to generate funds […]
Indiana Green Expo: January 9-11, 2013
Indiana Green Expo – January 9 – 11, 2013 On-line Registration now available! Register by December 21 and save (Rates after December 21 will increase: members: $130 | nonmembers: $170) View full PDF brochure and other Expo details at Wednesday, January 9, 2013 9:00 – 12:00 Workshop A: Hardscapes 101 9:00 – […]
Turf Herbicide Workshops – Space Still Avaiable
Join us at one of our three great workshops that are being held in December! Turf Herbicide Workshop – registration deadline: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 (CCH’s requested: 7 – category 3a, 7 – category 3b, 7 – category 6, 4 – RT license) December 4, 2012: Caribbean Cove Conference Center, Indianapolis, Indiana 3850 DePauw Boulevard […]
MRTF Turf and Ornamental Seminar – November 14-15
Turf and Ornamental Seminar November 14-15, 2012 Daniel Turf Center West Lafayette, Indiana Registration Form (PDF Format) Register on-line at Registration Deadline: November 2, 2012 CCH’s: Cat. 2 – 5 CCH’s; Cat. 3a – 8 CCH’s; Cat. 3b – 9 CCH’s; Cat. 6 – 3 CCH’s; RT – 4 CCH’s […]
Purdue Turf Bowl Teams Place in the Top Ten in Las Vegas!!!
Purdue students continue to protect their “turf” among the rise of new competitors at the 18th Annual Collegiate Turf Bowl Competition hosted during the 2012 Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) International Golf Course Conference and Show in Las Vegas, NV. The three and one-half hour competition this year challenged student’s knowledge of more […]
Purdue Turf Alumni and Friends at the Golf Industry Show
Visit the Purdue Turf booth # 2979 and receive some great Purdue promotional items Join us for an impromptu gathering at Queen Victoria Pub at the Riviera Hotel (2901 Las Vegas Blvd., South | Las Vegas, NV) on Wednesday, February 29, 7:30 pm We will not have a formal reception this year
Purdue Students Place 1st at the Eighth Annual Sports Turf Competition
For the second year in a row the Purdue Turf Program has placed 1st in the Student Challenge Exam during the Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Meetings held January 10-14, 2012. Eight students traveled out to Long Beach, CA for the eighth annual Student Challenge Exam at the STMA Meetings. The four person team of […]
Purdue Turf Scholarship Winners
The Purdue Turf Program granted over $15,000 in scholarship funds to nineteen students. These students have shown high academic achievement, outstanding character and a desire to be in the Turfgrass Industry. Congratulations to all of the Purdue Turf students that received scholarships. Chad Melton, Don Fassnacht Scholarship C.J. Coy, Jean and Lee Schmidt […]
Still time left to sign up for Indiana Green Expo to be held Jan 11-13!
The registration deadline is fast-approaching for the Indiana Green Expo and forms must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2011. The Indiana Green Expo is the largest turf, ornamental, nursery, and landscape conference in Indiana and is jointly sponsored by the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation and Indiana Nursery and Landscape Association. Over sixty experts from across […]
Educational Opportunity:
Educational Opportunity: Turf Field Day Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Daniel Turf Center, West Lafayette, IN Attendee Registration Form Exhibitor Registration Form Attendee On-line Registration Diagnostic Training: Lawn Care Thursday, July 28, 2011 Daniel Turf Center, West Lafayette, IN Attendee Registration Form Attendee On-line Registration
Purdue Turf Bowl Teams Place in Top Third of Field
Purdue students continue to protect their “turf” among the rise of new competitors at the 17th Annual Collegiate Turf Bowl Competition hosted during the 2011 Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) Conference and Show in Orlando, FL. The three-hour competition this year challenged student’s knowledge of more practical concepts of turfgrass management including disease, […]
Members Only Website
Please complete this two question survey. It should take you less than one minute. Follow this link to complete the survey: The Midwest Regional Turf Foundation would like to know if offering a members only website would be beneficial and find out what you would like to have on this website. You do not […]
Purdue Turf Club Apparel
Dear Supporter of the Purdue Turf Science Program, The Purdue Turf Club would like to extend our greetings and future holiday wishes to you. As we enter the end of the growing season we begin to consider the upcoming industry conferences. With these comes the opportunity for our Turf Science students to compete in the […]
Turf Field Day on July 20
The Turf Field Day will be held on Tuesday, July 20 at the W.H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center in West Lafayette. The morning research tours include stops about Plant Growth Regulators, Broadleaf weed products, Controlling Moles and Voles, Dollar Spot Control and Exotic Invasive Insects in Ash and Elm Trees. Tradeshow and equipment demonstration featuring […]
May Fertilization
Although it is generally preferable to fertilize home lawns in the fall, a late May fertilizer application can help the turf retain its color and vigor during the summer. If conservative nitrogen rates are used, fertilizer can be applied in late spring without dramatically increasing vertical growth. To aid the turf in keeping its color […]
Managing Seedheads
Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue and perennial ryegrass all produce seedheads that look unsightly in lawns. These seedheads are easily visible in maintained turfgrass because they grow faster and more unevenly than normal grass blades. Also, since the seedhead stalks are so tough, they do not cut cleanly and leave a light green or white tip […]
Dandelion Control
Dandelions are one of the most common weeds of maintained turf because they can tolerate a wide variety of soils and environmental conditions. The best time to control dandelions or other broadleaf weeds is in the fall. Mid-spring is also an effective time for control, particularly when dandelions are flowering. If you wait too late […]