Aaron Patton
Which is it, Annual Bluegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass?
Kentucky bluegrass is currently producing seedheads that are difficult to mow and create an uneven appearance. However, annual bluegrass (Poa annua) is also producing similar looking seedheads. It’s important to distinguish the two because Kentucky bluegrass is highly desirable in a lawn, but annual bluegrass is a weed. It is a weed because it is […]
Rhizoctonia Large Patch (Zoysia Patch)
As our zoysiagrass fairways and tees are greening up this spring, we will soon begin to see the symptoms of Rhizoctonia Large Patch (zoysia patch). Rhizoctonia Large Patch (RLP) is the only major disease of zoysiagrass in Indiana. The pathogen is favored by moderate temperatures and long dew periods in the spring, fall and during […]
Bermudagrass for Southern Indiana Athletic Fields (AT-325-W)
Purdue Extension Publication
Turf quality on municipal athletic fields in southern Indiana is typically poor due to excessive traffic from football and soccer. But reseeding worn areas with some common grass varieties in late spring or late fall aren’t always successful. This publication explains how bermudagrass can be a potential solution to worn fields in southern Indiana.