» Authors

Joe Becovitz

Pesticide Program Specialist, Office of Indiana State Chemist

One article by this author

Alexandra Duffy

Department of Entomology, Purdue University

One article by this author

Yiwei Jiang

Professor of Agronomy

2 articles by this author

Richard Latin

Lee Miller

Lee Miller directs research and extension programs focused towards disease control in turfgrasses. Lee’s current responsibilities include providing disease diagnosis and control recommendations for the lawn, golf, sports turf, and sod industries in Indiana and the surrounding region. His research activities center on the development of disease management strategies that require fewer inputs and result in sustainable, functional, and aesthetic turfgrass fields. Past and current research projects led by Dr. Miller include fungicide resistance detection in dollar spot populations, fairy ring biology and prevention with spring fungicide applications, spring dead spot management and cultural control, the effects of fertility and fungicide application methodologies on large patch control, and detection of Pythium spp. in golf course irrigation water.

16 articles by this author

Aaron Patton

Aaron Patton's website
Professor of Turf & Weed Science and Turf Extension Specialist

45 articles by this author

Doug Richmond

Department of Entomology, Purdue University

37 articles by this author

Steve Weller

Emeritus Professor of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

One article by this author

Fred Whitford

Coordinator, Purdue Pesticide Programs

One article by this author