Billbugs on the move in Southern Indiana – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Billbugs on the move in Southern Indiana

Superintendants and lawn care professionals in the southernmost counties of Indiana should be advised that adult billbug activity has already been documented at one of the monitoring sites in the Evansville area.  Mr. Jeff Sexton, Assistant Superintendant at Rolling Hills Country Club in Newburgh, Indiana captured his first billbugs adults of the year last week.  These billbugs will begin laying eggs by the middle of April, so applications targeting billbugs should be going down in the next couple of weeks.  If pyrethroid insecticides such as Talstar, Astro or Deltagard are being used to target adults before significant egg laying occurs, optimal timing will be sometime on or before April 15.  Chloronicotinyls such as Merit, Meridian, and Arena, combination products such as Aloft and Allectus, and the anthranilic diamide Acelepryn, can also be applied during this time frame.   Optimal timing in Northern Indiana (Gary, South Bend and Fort Wayne) will likely be the first week of May.

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Page last modified: May 24, 2019

Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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