Invitation to the Indiana Green Expo from Gary Shetler, MRTF President – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Invitation to the Indiana Green Expo from Gary Shetler, MRTF President

This is a special invitation to all the Turf Industry to attend the Indiana Green Expo on January 6-9 in Indianapolis. If you have never attended or haven’t attended in a while, consider attending this year in spite of the economy. The educational program is consistently one of the best nationally and is incredibly diverse for all sectors of our industry. The tradeshow is always very productive because you have plenty of time to visit with the sales people. Plus keeping an eye on costs, a ton of CCH’s are available and you’ll receive substantial savings when you bring more than two people on your staff as MRTF member organizations.

This year is also special as we are saying good-bye to one of our friends at Purdue, Zac Reicher. He will be leaving for the University of Nebraska in March after 17 years as the Extension Specialist at Purdue. As the lead of the Turf Program, he has constantly gone above and beyond the call of duty to help our industry during his tenure. Because of that, the MRTF Board of Directors has awarded Zac the MRTF Distinguished Service Award to be presented at 6:00 pm on Thursday Janaury 7 at the Westin Hotel during the Annual MRTF Awards Ceremony. Another long-time industry friend and former Distinguished Service Award winner, Dr. Clark Throssell of the GCSAA, will be presenting the award. Please join us at the Expo for a great educational opportunity and to say “thanks” to Zac for all he has done. You should have received registration materials already, but it is also available at through Jennifer at 765-494-8039.


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Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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