Purdue Team WINS the 2009 GCSAA TURF Quiz Bowl Competition!!! – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Purdue Team WINS the 2009 GCSAA TURF Quiz Bowl Competition!!!

Six teams traveled last week to the International Golf Industry Show in New Orleans, LA to compete in the 15th annual Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) Collegiate Turf Quiz Bowl. This competition consists of a 3.5 hour written examination that consists of the identification of seeds, turfgrasses, diseases, insects and weeds.  In addition there are sections related to turfgrass related calculations, turfgrass growth and development, human resource and financial management and a written essay related to some aspect of the turfgrass industry.

The Purdue teams placed 1st, 3rd, 6th, 11th, 26th and 30th out of the 83 teams that participated from across the United States. The winning team consisted of Chris Ulrich, Eric Haub, Eric Wanstrath and Jack Weatherwax. Purdue’s consistent placement in the top five positions in this competition for the past eight years has helped to bring well deserved attention and recognition to the quality of the students in the Turf Science program as well as garnering national attention for the University, College of Agriculture and Agronomy Department. 

Additionally, three four member teams participated in the annual Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Collegiate Turf Quiz Bowl competition held in San Jose, CA during January. The Purdue teams competed against 43 teams from turf programs across the United States and finished 5th, 6th, and 23rd, respectively. The four-year program competition was won by Penn State University. 

In all, twenty-five Turf Science students (Eric Wanstrath, Jack Weatherwax, Jeffery Jones, Justin Milcarek, Chris Ulrich, Tracy Tudor, Nate Fair, Nathan Herman, Brittney Ray, Ryan Cummins, Phil Fischer, David Cooper, Brad Schnitz, Andrew Miller, Matt Sliepka, Eric Haub, Kris Cotton, Nick Averitt, Matt Sumpter, Kurt Hockemeyer, Justin Shirley, Joey Gerking, Jason Hazel, Cody Whitis, and Brent Seyer) represented Purdue and participated in these competitions.

The students are already eagerly looking forward to the STMA and GCSAA shows in Orlando, FL and San Diego, CA next year. The teams would like to acknowledge the financial support they received this year from the Agronomy Department Student Activity Fund, the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation, Ms. Gwen Daniel and their advisor Dr. Cale Bigelow. The team would also like to thank Dr. Doug Richmond, Dr. Zac Reicher, Mr. Ryan Baldwin, Mr. Joey Stevenson, and Mr. Evan Buckley for contributing their time and expertise during preparations for these competitions. Please congratulate these students on their achievements.

2009 STMA Turf Quiz Bowl Teams


2009 GCSAA Turf Quiz Bowl Teams


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Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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