Renovating Turf: How long should I wait to seed after a glyphosate (Roundup) application? – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Renovating Turf: How long should I wait to seed after a glyphosate (Roundup) application?

I have received a number of email questioning the wait for seeding after glyphosate applications. Glyphosate has no soil activity and will therefore not affect seedlings when seeded even the same day of application. However, for maximum control of tough-to-control weeds with stolons or rhizomes, a 7 day delay is recommended before raking or aerification in order to translocate herbicide to the distant plant parts. Furthermore, some of the glyphosate formulations now contain preemergence herbicide for “season-long” control in sidewalks, etc. These formulations will dramatically affect seedling survival, so be sure to read the label for specifics.

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