Follow-up to State Chemist Office BMP’s for Golf Courses – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Follow-up to State Chemist Office BMP’s for Golf Courses

The Best Management Practices for Golf Course that was in an earlier version of Turf Tips provided ideas for using pesticides safely on golf courses. Though it wasn’t clearly stated, the BMP’s listed assumed that all pesticides must be used per label instructions as is the law. Also, one of the BMP’s included selecting pesticides with reentry statements that allowed flexibility to apply when the course was in use. This is not critical for preemergence herbicides, broadleaf products, or insecticides because timing is not as critical and we can generally schedule an application weeks ahead of time. However, this doesn’t hold true with fungicides and we may often have very short lead-time before application depending on the weather. Following is a table of over 80 commercially available fungicides and their reentry statements (verbatim from the label) as of Feb. 2004. We made every attempt to include all fungicides, but if you find some that are missing, please email us at or and we’ll include them in future copies.

Table in PDF format

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