For those making the trip to San Diego for the GCSAA International Conference and Show, the Purdue Alumni and Friends Reception will be held Thursday, February 12, 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the Columbia Room on the San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina. Please plan on attending and also bring along any other Alumni or […]
The IN-IL Turfgrass Short Course will be held on Feb 23-26 in Willowbrook, IL, again this year. This is an outstanding course for new and experienced turf professionals. It’s designed for turf managers with some experience and an understanding of HOW we maintain turf, and meant to improve the understanding of WHY we do the […]
The deadline of January 16 is fast approaching for pre-registration for the Midwest Turf Expo. Though registration is also available on site, pre-registration saves you time and money. Registration information is available at and it can be faxed or mailed. Call Dan Weisenberger at 765-494-8087 if you have questions about registration. The Turf Expo is poised […]
As a result of a couple of pesticide spills in the last three years and from recent spot checks on golf courses, the Office of the Indiana State Chemist created a list of common pesticide use violations and they will likely enforce regulations more aggressively on golf courses in the future. Following is that list […]