Rust Diseases – Turfgrass Science at Purdue University

Rust Diseases

Rust is a disease of taller mown turf. Outbreaks are most common on residential lawns, low budget athletic fields, and, occasionally, on golf course roughs.
A variety of related fungi cause rust. Ccommon names include leaf rust, crown rust, and stem rust, and the disease occurs almost exclusively on Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. Rust is largely cosmetic, but the orange spores that dislodge easily from leaf surfaces can be a greater nuisance, covering shoes, pets, and lawnmowers with a rusty residue. Rust can severely damage new spring-seeded lawns that lose vigor during heat and drought conditions.
From a distance, rust-infected turf appears chlorotic. Symptoms occur in a diffuse pattern around the initial site of infection as disease increases. Outbreaks often first occur in shaded or protected areas, such as around the bases of evergreens or next to a structure’s foundation.  Close inspection of rusted leaves reveals numerous yellow-orange pustules on leaf blades. Walking through grass with significant amounts of infection will disturb and release the spores within these pustules and leave a distinct orange color on shoes and pets. These spores, carried by the wind, spread the disease

to other areas during the growing season. Rust outbreaks are most common in late summer and early fall, although sometimes the disease is active in the early spring, especially on poorly nourished turf. Rust is a disease of slow growing turf, so factors such as summer heat and drought stress, low nitrogen fertility, compaction, and shade contribute to poor growth tend to favor rust development.  Rust outbreaks require moderate temperatures (50°-60°F) and long evening dew periods (more than 10 hours). The pathogen survives as resilient spores over the winter or as inactive mycelium in dormant turf.

Rust Control
Maintaining a healthy and vigorous turf stand is the most effective and efficient method of rust control. Since slow growing turf in late summer is most vulnerable to outbreaks, small amounts of nitrogen fertilizer (0.25-0.5 pound of N per 1,000 square feet) in chronic trouble spots—shaded and possibly compacted areas—will help control the disease. The nitrogen will promote leaf growth and allow for regular mowing, which helps the turf outgrow rust’s relatively slow infection cycle. Avoiding irrigation during the early evening also will help limit disease spread by lessening the chance of extended dew periods.
DMI and QoI (strobilurin) fungicides are very effective against rust, but on well-established turf, should be considered only as a remedial treatment when cultural practices fail to prevent an outbreak. On newly seeded stands, fungicides should be appliedat the first sign of disease. In most cases, a single application of an effective fungicide, combined with efforts to encourage turf growth, will quell outbreaks.

Disclaimer: Reference to products is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others which may have similar uses. Any person using products listed in these articles assumes full responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.
Turfgrass Science at Purdue University - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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