Turf Tips

Japanese Beetle Emergence Begins
We captured the first Japanese beetle adults of the year last week in our traps on the Purdue Campus. These traps are located in an area where emergence tends to take place much earlier than at most locations, so don’t expect to see any significant wide-scale emergence for another 2-3 weeks. We monitor this particular […]
Purple Deadnettle
Purple Deadnettle Biology: Purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) is a common winter annual broadleaf weed found throughout the US. It is closely related to another winter annual broadleaf, henbit (Lamium amplexicaule). Both have vibrant purple flowers that can been seen now in lawns, landscapes, and fields. Identification: Purple deadnettle is a winter annual […]
Black Cutworms Making Their Annual Migration North
Black Cutworms have started showing up in light traps around Indiana. This means they will soon laying eggs, if they haven’t already. Superintendents should be on the lookout for evidence of feeding damage on greens and tees. Also, remember that a soap flush of vulnerable, short-cut areas will often reveal the presence of black cutworms […]
Annual Ryegrass Showing Up in Lawns
I have had several emails and weed samples submitted recently of an unknown grass. In each case, the sample was annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). Annual ryegrass is a common ingredient in low quality seed mixtures. It appears in the spring time in lawns seeded the previous year either from some annual ryegrass in the seed […]
How to Mow Now That it has Stopped Raining
Tips for Mowing Wet Turf Sharpen your blades if you have not yet this spring. Mow in the afternoon when the leaf blades are dry if possible to reduce clumping of the grass blades. However, it is fine to mow wet turf or mow during light rain. Set the mower higher (especially if your grass […]
When Should I Apply My Preemergence Herbicide for Crabgrass Control?
Despite proper cultural practices, crabgrass may still remain problematic in certain turf areas. The best approach to controlling crabgrass is to use a preemergence herbicide such as dithiopyr (Dimension), pendimethalin (Pendulum), prodiamine (Barricade), prodiamine + quinclorac (Cavalcade PQ), sulfentrazone + prodiamine (Echelon), and others. These herbicides inhibit cell division and prevent crabgrass seeds from properly […]
Still Time for Spring Seeding
Seeding in spring is difficult and unsuccessful if not done correctly. However, there are many in Indiana who didn’t seed last fall but still need to seed this spring to help fill in thin areas from last summer’s drought. The following circumstances that warrant a spring seeding: Thin turf due to winter damage Poor turf […]
A Tale of Two Years
We are finally through a cold March and into what appears to be a normal April. The graph below compares January, February, and March in 2012 and 2013 to our 30 year normal weather averages for those months. The temperature outlook for the next three months has us with slightly above average […]
Large Crabgrass
Large Crabgrass Biology: Large crabgrass ( Digitaria sanguinalis ), smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum), and to a lesser extent southern crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris) are all species found in the Midwest that are collectively referred to as crabgrass. Large crabgrass is probably the most common of these in Indiana lawns. Combined, these crabgrass species are […]
A Much Different Start to the Year
A year ago we had record high temperatures and we were scrambling to apply preemergence herbicides for crabgrass control. On March 22 last year, I had crabgrass germinating in my garden! However, this year I can tell you that crabgrass is a long ways off from germinating today. The chart below shows the dramatic difference […]
Use Growing Degree Days to Better Time Your Applications
Monitoring growing degree days can be an effective way to better time applications and increase your weed control. A helpful website (www.gddtracker.net) is available to help you monitor growing degree days for timing herbicide and plant growth regulator applications. What can this website help me with? Need help determining when to apply your preemergence herbicide? […]
Prostrate Knotweed
This post kicks off a new series that we will be posting via turf tips called, “Weed of the Month”. In each post we’ll discuss a timely weed (one that you’re seeing at that particular time of year) and we will highlight its biology, identification, and control. February’s weed of the month is […]
Survey – cool-season putting greens
Calling all cool-season putting green managers!!! Real-world feedback needed…. We are following up on an article we published in Golf Course Management Magazine last fall titled “An economic comparison of creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass maintenance practices”. We are seeking some “real-world” feedback regarding current grass species, grass species preferences and common maintenance practices. […]
Weather Looks Good For Indiana Green Expo, Don’t Miss It!
The weather looks great this week for a winter conference. Since it doesn’t look like there will be any snow to push or shovel, we invite you to come to the Indiana Green Expo. Don’t miss Indiana’s most comprehensive green industry conference and trade show! January 9-11, 2013 • Indiana Convention Center *** Registration available […]
2013 Turf Weed Control for Professionals, Now Available
The revised edition of Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals is now available. The 96 page publication includes content on: Turfgrass Culture Weed Types Weed Life Cycles Developing a Weed Control Program Indicator Weeds Herbicide Information (use, nomenclature, classification, mode of action, movement, resistance, etc.) Control of Tough Weeds Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About […]
MRTF Golf Day at Highland Country Club in Indianapolis
Join us for the MRTF Golf Day Monday, October 1, 2012 Highland Golf and Country Club, Indianapolis, IN Registration Deadline: 9/24/2012Registration Form (PDF format) Register on-line for your team at https://www.mrtf.org/php/Registration.php?pid=5489 Continue to shop and add the game package https://www.mrtf.org/php/Registration.php?pid=5542 If you have any questions/comments/concerns please contact Jennifer Biehl at biehlj@purdue.edu or 765-494-8039 Agenda: 11:00 […]
Gwen Daniel – Obituary
Gwen Daniel Gwen H. Daniel, Age 91, of Westminster Village, West Lafayette, IN. Gwen was born on June 28, 1921 in Hot Springs, Arkansas. She received her BA degree from Quachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. She married William H. Daniel on January 9, 1944 while he was a pilot in the U.S. Army Air […]
Watering Bans Making Turf Establishment Tough in Some Locations
Now is the time to be seeding a lawn, but in some communities water restrictions and bans are preventing homeowners and lawn care professionals from renovating/reseeding damaged lawns following this summer’s drought. August 15 to September 15 is considered to be the optimum time to seed cool-season lawns in Indiana. This optimum window is slightly […]
Read the Label! A Hard Lesson Learned
I was recently forwarded a video from one of our Extension educators in Vanderburgh County, Larry Caplan, that I thought I would share with you. The video chronicles the “misadventures” of a homeowner who simply wanted to control the weeds in his lawn. It should be a reminder to all of us to read the […]