Prostrate Spurge Biology: Prostrate Spurge (Euphorbia humistrata) is a summer annual broadleaf weed that can be found in dry/sandy and/or nutrient-poor soils along with compacted, weakened or disturbed turfgrass and landscape sites. Look for it first in driveways and sidewalks or in potted plants in a landscape or nursery as temperatures […]
A common question this time of year is whether to plant turf seed now and control weeds later OR to instead control the weeds now and then seed later. Here are my thoughts. Cool-season turf seed mixture. Option 1 for areas with mainly broadleaf weeds and a few annual grasses: Plant now and control weeds […]
Typical conversation about fescues. Bill: What kind of grass do you have? Bob: Fescue. Bill: What kind of fescue? Bob: You mean there’s more than one kind? Bill: Yes. As I travel around the region and give presentations or respond to email and phone questions, it is very common for me to enter into a […]
The best time to seed a cool-season lawn is in the late summer to early fall. Adequate soil moisture, warm soil, and limited weed pressure allow for excellent seedling growth. Normally, we recommend seeding between August 15 and September 15 as the optimum seeding window. However, due to our cool summer and a […]
Water is necessary to initiate the germination process in seeds. As the seed imbibes water, enzymatic reactions within the seed trigger the germination process. Enzymes breakdown the energy stored inside the seed endosperm and this energy is used by the seed embryo for growth. The first visible step in the germination process is the emergence […]
On Tuesday, July 15, 2014 the Purdue Turf Program, the Purdue Green Industry Working Group and the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation successfully hosted the Turf and Landscape Field Day. Jackets were needed at this year’s field day as the high temperature was 69 °F which is the coolest field day on record! The Turf and […]
Birdsfoot Trefoil Biology: Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) is a perennial broadleaf weed that is often found on drought-prone and low-fertility soils. It germinates from seed primarily in the spring but sometimes in the fall depending on temperatures. The plant quickly spreads into large colonies by developing stolons and rhizomes during the […]
Weed management next to sidewalks is difficult for several reasons outlined below. These “hot spots” for weed invasion become quite evident during summer as weeds encroach and turf quality declines. The below section outlines some of the causes for hot spots and how to best manage weeds in these areas. Soils are shallow in these […]
The Purdue Turf and Landscape Field Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, July 15, 2014. This annual one-day event with the objective of providing professional turf and landscape managers exposure and educational opportunities with the latest research and technical resources. Over 500 have pre-registered for the event. The Field Day features turf and landscape research tours, afternoon […]
WHAT: An Indiana Pesticide Clean Sweep Project designed to collect and dispose of suspended, canceled, banned, unusable, opened, unopened or just unwanted pesticides (weed killers, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, miticides, etc.) is being sponsored by the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC). This disposal service is free of charge up to 250 pounds per participant. Over […]
Here we are in the second week of July – a time when conditions start to become difficult for cool-season grasses. Heat, drought and wear during this time of the season may all contribute to declining turfgrass quality. However, one of the most commonly overlooked reasons for declining turfgrass quality during this difficult time of […]
As we exit the end of the first full week of July 2014 in the aftermath of the “PolarVortex” many winter-survival questions still remain. Here is what we do know… spring green-up was extremely slow and regional weather conditions continue to be suboptimal for aggressive warm-season grass growth. While individual cultural practices for a particular […]
This winter has resulted in significant winterkill on bermudagrass throughout the nation and Indiana was not an exception. Brutally cold temperatures, coined as the polar vortex, swept through the country in early January with many other subsequent cold days and nights to follow. The below link summarizes the damage that I have observed this spring, […]
On Tuesday, July 15, 2014 the Purdue Turf Program and the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation will host the Turf and Landscape Field Day. The Turf and Landscape Field Day is Indiana’s largest green industry field day. This will be the second year with landscape research tours added. Specialists from four different departments in the College […]
Yellow Nutsedge Biology: Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus), also known as chufa (chufa is a non-weedy variety that is used for wildlife food plots and is not a cold hardy weed like yellow nutsedge), nutgrass, or watergrass, is a troublesome, difficult-to-control perennial weed found throughout the United States. It is important to understand […]
The first Japanese beetles of the year were captured June 8 in West Lafayette. Emergence is now in full swing. This imported pest is common east of the Mississippi river and in the Mississippi river valley. Adults feed on more than 400 plant species including many common ornamental plants. The soil-dwelling larvae (grubs) feed on […]
Ground Ivy Biology: Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea), also known as creeping Charlie, is a very difficult to control perennial broadleaf weed. It can often be seen growing in the shade and invading turfgrass and other mowed areas throughout the United States. Ground ivy thrives in moist, rich soils located in shaded areas, but […]
Reports of spring white grub damage are relatively uncommon in most of the Midwest. However, the European chafer is a slightly different beast and seems to be more cold-hardy than other annual white grubs. This characteristic allows it to feed later into the fall and start feeding earlier in the spring compared to Japanese beetle […]
Honey bees and other pollinators forage for nectar and pollen on a wide range of flowering plants, including some of our most common turfgrass weeds such as dandelion, white clover, ground ivy, speedwell, chickweed and a host of others. If any of these flowering weeds are present at noticeable levels, it may be wise to […]
Most of Indiana experienced cooler than normal temperatures over the last week, with good amounts of precipitation providing very good growing conditions for cool-‐season turf. However, green-‐up of warm-‐season grasses has been slow, so we have a relatively mixed bag for insect development and damage. The cooler temperatures and ample rainfall should help mask insect […]