As the green industry continues to have a large impact on Indiana and the nation, Purdue University has assembled an outstanding team of researchers, extension personnel, and educators that are dedicated to solving problems and helping meet the needs of Indiana residents. One segment of the Indiana green industry that continues to provide a significant impact on the state’s economy is the turfgrass industry, which includes residential and commercial lawn care, sports turf, cemeteries, sod production, golf course maintenance, and more. Indiana’s professional turfgrass industry is estimated by some to generate in excess of $1.4 billion in annual expenditures and provide over 11,500 jobs.
The Annual Report of the Purdue University Turf Program is published each year by the Purdue Turf Team and features significant findings made by turfgrass scientists over the past year. It is our desire that this publication will keep our stakeholders up-to-date on significant changes and advancements that affect our industry.
This 2011 Annual Report includes 21 papers from faculty, staff, and graduate students. We hope that these findings will enhance your ability to conduct business in an efficient and productive manner.
We would also like to recognize the many organizations, companies, and individuals who have contributed their time, talent and resources to help make our program successful. We are forever indebted to the many people who contribute to this program. Special recognition goes to the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation which supports the research and extension programs of each member of the Turf Team and also provides substantial support towards the operating and capital expenses of the W.H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center.
We hope that this publication will be of value to all persons with an interest in the Indiana green industry. To read more about our recent research, click on the links below or read more from the turf homepage at:
Weed Management
Controlling Poa annua on putting green height turf in Indiana, Michigan, and Nebraska: 2011 Research Update PDF
Controlling Yellow Nutsedge With Sedgehammer+ PDF
Do Granular Herbicide Applications Effectively Control Broadleaf Weeds in Turf? PDF
Efficacy of Current Organic Postemergent Weed Control Options in Turfgrass Systems PDF Evaluation of Crabgrass Control with Various Dimension Formulations and Corn Gluten Meal PDF
Herbicide Safety and Weed Control Comparison in Spring Seeded Kentucky Bluegrass PDF
Herbicide Safety and Weed Control Comparison in Spring Seeded Tall Fescue PDF
Herbicide Selection and Timing Influences Ground Ivy Control PDF
Mowing and Herbicide Effects on Ground Ivy Control in Turf PDF
Preemergence Crabgrass Control with Various Herbicides PDF
Postemergence Broadleaf Herbicide Safety on Putting Greens PDF
Postemergence Ground Ivy Control with Herbicide Combinations PDF
Sequential Applications of Preemergence Crabgrass Herbicides for Enhanced Control – Three Year Summary PDF
Controlling Poa annua on putting green height turf in Indiana, Michigan, and Nebraska: 2011 Research Update PDF
Controlling Yellow Nutsedge With Sedgehammer+ PDF
Do Granular Herbicide Applications Effectively Control Broadleaf Weeds in Turf? PDF
Efficacy of Current Organic Postemergent Weed Control Options in Turfgrass Systems PDF Evaluation of Crabgrass Control with Various Dimension Formulations and Corn Gluten Meal PDF
Herbicide Safety and Weed Control Comparison in Spring Seeded Kentucky Bluegrass PDF
Herbicide Safety and Weed Control Comparison in Spring Seeded Tall Fescue PDF
Herbicide Selection and Timing Influences Ground Ivy Control PDF
Mowing and Herbicide Effects on Ground Ivy Control in Turf PDF
Preemergence Crabgrass Control with Various Herbicides PDF
Postemergence Broadleaf Herbicide Safety on Putting Greens PDF
Postemergence Ground Ivy Control with Herbicide Combinations PDF
Sequential Applications of Preemergence Crabgrass Herbicides for Enhanced Control – Three Year Summary PDF
Insect Management
Evaluating Acelepryn for adult preventive control of billbugs in Kentucky bluegrass turf PDF
Evaluating combinations of Pyriproxyfen and imidacloprid for control of Japanese beetle larvae in Kentucky Bluegrass turf PDF
Influence of application timing on efficacy of granular formulations of grubicides against Japanese beetle larvae in Kentucky bluegrass turf PDF
Evaluating Acelepryn for adult preventive control of billbugs in Kentucky bluegrass turf PDF
Evaluating combinations of Pyriproxyfen and imidacloprid for control of Japanese beetle larvae in Kentucky Bluegrass turf PDF
Influence of application timing on efficacy of granular formulations of grubicides against Japanese beetle larvae in Kentucky bluegrass turf PDF
Disease Management
Effects of early season fungicide application on dollar spot outbreaks, 2011 PDF
Integrating fungicide and genetic host resistance for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass PDF
Residual efficacy of fungicides for brown patch management on creeping bentgrass, 2011 PDF
Effects of early season fungicide application on dollar spot outbreaks, 2011 PDF
Integrating fungicide and genetic host resistance for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass PDF
Residual efficacy of fungicides for brown patch management on creeping bentgrass, 2011 PDF