A publication that gives suggestions for maintaining turf by effective mowing, thatching and aerifying.
Location Full sun – The green should be located in full sun for optimum turf growth and performance. Air movement – Locate the green so the wind (air flow) is not blocked by trees or buildings. Do not locate the green in a depression or low area. Construction Surface drainage – Contours on the green […]
This publication provides help when selecting turfgrass for different lawns. Things to look for on a bag of quality grass seed are also covered. It also defines key terms that are used with planting and maintaining turfgrasses.
This publication provides turf seeding guidelines in the spring for established turf areas and new turf areas.
This publication provides suggestions on establishing and maintaining midwestern lawns composed of zoysia and bermuda grass.
The summer of 2016 has been quite favorable for the development of an assortment of infectious diseases on residential turf. The primary driver of all of this disease activity is the weather. In the lower Midwest, the combination of elevated temperature and ample precipitation since the beginning August of has spawned outbreaks of brown patch, […]
This publication provides Indiana turfgrass management professionals and property owners with information to help them (1) properly identify the most common white grub species, (2) understand white grub biology, (3) recognize white grub damage, and (4) formulate safe and effective management strategies.
Understanding when turf pathogens are active allows turf managers to anticipate disease outbreaks and schedule fungicide applications at the most appropriate times. This publication provides estimates of when important turf pathogens are active in the lower Midwest.
This publication will help turf managers know what to look for when they diagnose infectious turf diseases on the course and in the field. Readers will understand the components of the disease triangle (host, pathogen, and environment), and then be able to use that concept to develop a systematic approach identifying turf disease.
Purslane Biology: Common purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) is a summer annual broadleaf weed (Fig. 1) that is commonly found in low maintenance turf swards (Fig. 2), turf seeded in summer (Fig. 3), next to sidewalks and driveways, and in mulched beds and gardens (Fig. 4). Purslane is a succulent plant with a prostrate growth habit, […]
As crabgrass grows larger and larger this spring into summer, you’ll need to know just how big it is before selecting the right product for postemergence control. Read my recent article to turf professionals at Turf Republic: Just How Big is Your Crabgrass? For homeowners, look for products that contain quinclorac such […]
Quackgrass Biology: Quackgrass ( Elymus repens) is a cool-season perennial that vigorously spreads by rhizomes. It is a sod-forming grass that can crowd out desirable grasses and even other weeds. Quackgrass has been shown to be allelopathic, which means it releases chemicals that inhibit the growth of other plants. Large, nearly pure patches of […]
There are a lot of wet areas out there right now as pockets of Indiana have received more than double their monthly expected rainfall. Rain is a good thing but as we know it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Saturated soils reduce turf health and cause issues related to mowing […]
It is not uncommon for me to receive questions regarding whether it is OK to aerify an area when you’ve already applied a preemergence herbicide to control crabgrass. Will aerifying break the herbicide barrier and reduce my crabgrass control? The answer to this and more can be found here in a recent post I wrote […]