Tim Gibb

Turfgrass nematode damage? … Sample to be sure!
Random patches of wilted turfgrass that are unresponsive to irrigation, assume a gray/green appearance and then turn tan/brown just before dying MAY be suffering from nematodes. These symptoms are somewhat characteristic of several diseases, insect infestations and even environmental stresses, so when making a determination, all possible causes must be considered. The symptoms of nematode […]
White Grub Damage
Reports of turfgrass damage due to white grub feeding are beginning to trickle in. Damage potential seems to be widely variable this year. Some areas that were dry during the beetle egg laying season last year reported very few Japanese beetles during the entire summer. Other areas, especially in the central and southern portion of […]
Japanese Beetles are in Full Force
The first Japanese beetles of the year were observed in central Indiana on June 22 and have since come out in full force. They are being reported in large numbers from many places throughout the state feeding on their favorite plants. Plants particularly at risk include those that have been recently transplanted or those that […]
Update on Black Cutworm
Significant weather events from the south usually are responsible for the movement of the black cutworm moths into our area each spring beginning as early as March. Black light traps stationed throughout the state have failed to catch many black cutworms this year to date. This is good news for our industry and may spell […]
Season-long Grub Control from May Applications???
Grub control products are currently being displayed in the center aisles of retail department and discount stores and are advertised on the radio as providing season-long grub control when applied in early May. Certain insecticides, including imidacloprid (Merit) and halofenozide (Mach 2) do have a very long residual in the soil. However, they should not […]
Control Them Now
Now is a very good time to spend a little extra effort in controlling those pesky moles. Recent warm, wet weather has returned these nasty little turfgrass destroyers back to the surface of the soil where they are making runs throughout the turfgrass. March and April are ideal times to control moles because this is […]
Mid-winter Mole Activity
Mole activity is becoming more apparent with the recent warm weather. Large piles of soil on the lawn surface are evidence of the moles subterranean mining. Unfortunately control of this pest still depends on trapping or possibly a mole-hunting cat or dog. Techniques such as drowning with water, poisoning with car exhaust, shocking or vibrating […]
September Grub Damage
White grub damage on turfgrass may be more widespread than many expected this year. With ample rain and favorable growing conditions for most host plants during the early and mid growing season, high concentrations of adult Japanese beetles were not as common as in previous years. This may have lulled turfgrass managers into forgetting about […]
News about Japanese beetles is mostly bad!
Japanese beetles are back! They appeared 10 days to 2 weeks earlier than normal this year and indications are pointing to a very heavy population in many parts of the state. Last years weather conditions kept soils moist which apparently led to a very successful grub hatch. Early emergence usually points to a somewhat earlier […]