Tim Gibb

Late Season Insects Found in Turfgrass
The following letter and pictures were sent to us for identification. There was a buzz of follow-up letters and communication afterward indicating that maybe this is not just an isolated occurrence. I have enclosed the initial letter, accompanying photographs and the return response in hopes that this is of value to others noticing the same […]
Summer Stress
With a warm and wet summer, we are experiencing decline in some of our turf around the state due to temperatures, disease, insects, and weeds. In response, we are publishing a four part series on this topic to help turfgrass managers respond. Look forward to the following topics over the next two weeks. Part I: […]
Grass Moths Everywhere
If you have walked out on your lawn recently you may have noticed hundreds of small, buff colored, moths flittering here or there as you approach. These may be alarming for both farmers as well as turfgrass managers because they; look like a common corn pest (European Corn Borer) act like a common turfgrass pest […]
Summer Stress
With a warm and wet summer, we are experiencing decline in some of our turf around the state due to temperatures, disease, insects, and weeds. In response, we are publishing a four part series on this topic to help turfgrass managers respond. Look forward to the following topics over the next two weeks. Part I: […]
August Is Grub Target Month
This is the time of year to target for grub control. Whether your grub control products were applied a month ago, last week or are to be applied next week, the time when they actually do their work is early August. This is because grub eggs usually hatch by the end of July in the […]
Goose Round-up – ‘Yee-Haw’
The Giant Canada goose (Anatidae: Branta canadensis maxima) recently has become one of the most serious pests of parks and golf courses in the Eastern half of the United States. These geese are probably the most adaptable of all waterfowl and, if left undisturbed, will readily establish nesting territories on ponds in residential subdivisions, condominium complexes, city […]
Hunting Billbugs in Zoysiagrass
Hunting billbug is becoming a significant problem in parts of southern Indiana where zoysiagrass is grown. These insects typically have two generations per year in this part of the Midwest with the larvae of both generations being capable of causing significant injury to turf. Sporadic adult hunting billbug activity has already been observed in the […]
Professionals: Multiple Targeting with Pesticides
As frequent users of pesticides, it is imperative that turfgrass professionals understand the terminology surrounding their formulation and use. For example, when we talk about ‘multiple targeting’ we are referring to an attempt to control more than one pest with a single application of pesticide. Timing of application as well as placement and formulation is critical to success. To time a […]
Tiny Trails in Turfgrass
With the winter snows melting away many are often surprised to find a series of tiny trails on the surface of their lawns and turfgrass fields. These are vole highways. Voles are often called meadow mice or field mice. While they are similar to a house mouse in general size and shape, they have some […]
Cicada killers: A Nuisance or a Danger?
A number of solitary bees and wasps reside in turfgrass and landscapes. Because of their ability to harm humans, these insects often evoke a great deal of anxiety. However, in reality they very rarely sting. Education is the single best strategy to help people deal with cicada killers. Cicada killers are one of the largest […]
Season-long Grub Control Advertisements
Grub control products are currently being displayed in the center aisles of retail department and discount stores and are advertised on the radio as providing season-long grub control when applied in early May. What are the facts behind this recommendation? While certain grub control products do have a very long residual in the soil, they […]
Calculating the pounds of fertilizer to apply
There are literally thousands of fertilizers and fertilizer/pesticide combinations available to homeowners and professionals. Therefore, we can’t recommend how many pounds of a specific fertilizer to apply, but rather we must recommend fertilization rates in pounds of nitrogen per thousand square feet or lbs N/1000 sq ft. You can use our fertilizer calculator at www.agry.purdue.edu/turf/fertcalc/Fertilization%20calc.html […]
Armyworms Are Poised For Battle
We have been monitoring reports of very large infestations of armyworm moths flying into Kentucky this spring. Armyworms move north with storms from the southern states each year and depending upon how and where the storms blow will dictate when and how many moths we have to deal with. Fortunately, in Indiana we have not […]
Mole Control – Buyer Beware
Moles are back at it again!. These small subterranean, tunnel-making pests can cause big frustrations for those managing turfgrass and landscapes. Mole damage is most noticeable during the spring and fall, but spring may be the most effective time to control them. Moles are gray, furry, mammals that reach 6–8 inches in length. They have […]
Grub damage reports beginning to come in
Reports of grub damage are becoming more frequent this week. A number of reports of damage have come from northern IN where moisture conditions have created ideal conditions for grub damage in spite of preventative insecticide applications. If grub damage and live grubs are confirmed, insecticide applications are likely justified to limit future animal feeding […]
Early Japanese Beetles
It seems that the Japanese beetles have been arriving early for the last few years but this year is truly an exception. The first Japanese beetles of the year were observed in central Indiana on the 3rd of June. This is a full week earlier than we have EVER seen them here before. Normally, Japanese […]
Voles (remember the V)
During late March and April we get many calls about voles and vole damage in turfgrass. Voles are among the most important vertebrate pests in turf areas. Unfortunately the name ‘vole’ is very close to the name ‘mole’ causing some confusion and miscommunication. Even though both can damage turfgrass – the differences between voles and […]
Japanese Beetles: They’re Back!
The first Japanese beetles of the year were observed in central Indiana last week and now is a great time to review the biology and control of these pests. Japanese beetle adults pupate from larvae in late spring and begin emerging at this time of the year. We expect them to arrive in full force […]
Finding Spring Grubs?
Each spring we receive many calls about grubs as people find them while planting gardens or ornamental beds. These are often large and appear menacing however do not let their appearance cause you to worry, panic or run out to buy an insecticide to annihilate these sinister creatures. These grubs are not feeding actively so […]
First Black Cutworms of the Year Found in Traps
Recent storms have generated the weather patterns that bring black cutworm moths into our state each year. Pheromone traps picked up the first black cutworm moths of the season during the past two weeks. Predictive models estimate that the first cutworm caterpillars will begin feeding 300 heat units after the first moths are caught. Unseasonably […]