Brown Ring Patch Brown ring patch is a disease of annual bluegrass on putting greens. Damage is largely cosmetic, although in some areas smoothness and uniformity of putting surfaces are disturbed, warranting chemical control. The duration of symptom expression usually is brief (one or two weeks), and coincides with mild weather with ample moisture. Despite […]
Yellow patch, also referred to as cool season brown patch, is caused by Rhizoctonia cerealis, a fungus closely related to the pathogens that cause brown patch and the Rhizoctonia large patch of zoysia grass. Although symptoms can be striking, yellow patch causes only cosmetic damage and does not affect playability. It occurs most often on creeping […]
Winterkill in warm-season grasses is highly variable and difficult to study by scientists. Because of this, our understanding of winterkill is based on science as well as practical experience and observation. Since winterkill in warm-season grasses can be affected by genetics, temperature extremes, and management factors, an endless combination of these factors can interact to […]
With the warm dry weather slowing growth of most turf areas, rust is becoming common on many non-irrigated turf areas. Rust symptoms are reddish-orange lesions or spots on the leaf blades and a rust-colored powder that you can rub off with your fingers. Rust will rarely kill a turf area further then a lawn already […]
We have just documented the first case of gray leaf spot this year from a golf course in Bloomington . We have learned that the disease will develop over a broad range of environmental conditions (not just hot and wet) and it continues to be very dry south of Indianapolis . Our research results showed […]
Photo by: Steve McDonald of Turfgrass Disease Solutions located in Philadelphia Photo by: Cale Bigelow in West Lafayette Over the past week a relatively new turf malady has become prevalent on golf turf throughout the region. This new phenomenon has been referred to as “Mad Tiller Disease”, and “Ghost Grass” in the United Kingdom , […]
There are sporadic reports of brown ring patch (formerly called Waitea patch) from across the Midwest . Interestingly, the disease currently is causing concern in southern California as well. The risk of structural damage (a.k.a. dying turf) is greater on putting greens than on turf mowed at a half inch or higher. Otherwise, effects are […]
With the bermudagrass damage in southern IN and Kentucky , we are fielding many questions on cultivar survival. Following is our winterkill data from 2003 of bermudagrass grown in West Lafayette under fairway conditions. Combining this data and other data from across the country, I would recommend in order the following cultivars of bermudagrass for […]
As bermudagrass begins to green up in southern IN and Kentucky , it is apparent that moderate to severe winter damage has occurred. Though we may be a little premature because full green-up and growth is still a week or two away depending on temperatures, it’s important to start formulating a strategy to repair the […]
With the mild drought stress over the last week, lawns are extremely susceptible to cosmetic damage from mowers, spreaders, and human traffic (photos). Drought stress may not have been easily visible before mowing. Turf likely was at the drought stressed stage where footprints (or mower tracks) remain in the turf and don’t snap back like […]
We have received a number of calls, email, and electronic photos inquiring about brown patches to entire lawns turning brown apparently overnight (see photos). Following are the three most likely culprits: • Seedheads – Especially on perennial ryegrass lawns, seed heads mowed by an even a marginally sharp blade will fray and turn brown as […]
There have been several reports of gray leaf spot outbreaks throughout Indiana and the lower Midwest during the past two weeks. The disease will develop over a broad range of environmental conditions (not just hot and wet). Our research results showed that the presence of inoculum is the disease-limiting factor north of the Ohio River. […]
We have received a number of calls, email, and electronic photos inquiring about current brown patches in the lawn. Dollar spot is active throughout the state and could be causing problems in lawns. Dollar spot causes very noticeable lesions and cotton candy mycelium in the early morning. However, many of the patches that I have […]
Red thread and its close relative pink patch, are now appearing on home lawns (and golf course roughs) in the central and southern parts of Indiana. Red thread first appears as small (quarter to golf ball size) gray – tan colored patches in the turf. After extended dew periods, white – pink mold may be […]
The cool wet weather the last two weeks is favoring Microdochium nivale, the pathogen that causes pink snow mold (sometimes referred to as Microdochium patch). The color of pink snow mold scars indicates the activity of the patch. Straw colored patches are usually inactive. However, a rust to orange colored band or ring indicates an active […]
With the continued cool wet weather, Rhizoctonia Large Patch (RLP) is affecting bermudagrass fairways. Prior to widespread use of bermudagrass in southern Indiana and northern Kentucky, we thought RLP affected only zoysia and was thus known as zoysia patch. However, RLP caused serious thinning in bermudagrass in an occasional spring the last few years. This […]
With the continued cool wet weather, Rhizoctonia Large Patch (RLP or zoysia patch) is in high gear. This follows a warm winter that also encouraged RLP, which is the only major disease of zoysiagrass in Indiana. Like snow mold, a rust to orange colored band on the outside of the patch indicates activity. Though best […]
The summer’s heat and humidity have taken an unusually high toll on turf in lawns, athletic fields, and golf courses. Most of the decline can be attributed to poor root growth weakening cool-season grasses and starting an avalanche of secondary factors leading to further decline. Root growth of cool-season grasses reaches a peak in mid-spring […]
A few rust calls are starting to trickle in, which is typical at this time of the year. Rust symptoms are reddish-orange lesions or spots on the leaf blades and a rust-colored powder that you can rub off with your fingers. Rust will rarely kill a turf area, but it can thin a turf stand […]
Random patches of wilted turfgrass that are unresponsive to irrigation, assume a gray/green appearance and then turn tan/brown just before dying MAY be suffering from nematodes. These symptoms are somewhat characteristic of several diseases, insect infestations and even environmental stresses, so when making a determination, all possible causes must be considered. The symptoms of nematode […]