This publication examines how the various components of a pesticide application work (water, pesticide molecules, application equipment). It then describes how adjuvants can enhance pesticide performance and protect against the unwanted consequences of spray drift. The goal is to define what adjuvants do and highlight their value in improving pesticide applications.
A nerd is an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit1. Therefore, a turf nerd is someone single-minded towards turf, obsessed with turf, and a bit nonsocial. I suppose that described me pretty well. To help increase your turf nerd quotient (only nerds use words like quotient), I thought I would […]
Typical conversation about fescues. Bill: What kind of grass do you have? Bob: Fescue. Bill: What kind of fescue? Bob: You mean there’s more than one kind? Bill: Yes. As I travel around the region and give presentations or respond to email and phone questions, it is very common for me to enter into a […]
Water is necessary to initiate the germination process in seeds. As the seed imbibes water, enzymatic reactions within the seed trigger the germination process. Enzymes breakdown the energy stored inside the seed endosperm and this energy is used by the seed embryo for growth. The first visible step in the germination process is the emergence […]
This winter has resulted in significant winterkill on bermudagrass throughout the nation and Indiana was not an exception. Brutally cold temperatures, coined as the polar vortex, swept through the country in early January with many other subsequent cold days and nights to follow. The below link summarizes the damage that I have observed this spring, […]
A key step in most lawn maintenance practices such as seeding and fertilizing as well as with double-checking your calibration and application accuracy is to determine the size of the turf area. Determining your lawn area will help you calculate how much seed you need, how much sod to order, how much fertilizer to apply, […]
This time of year many have questions about crabgrass control. Below are several previous Purdue turf tips that answer the most commonly asked questions about crabgrass control. When will crabgrass germinate? When should I apply my preemergence herbicide (crabgrass preventer)? Which preemergence herbicide should I use? How do I control crabgrass in spring seeded turf? […]
This winter has been cold and long. From December 2013 through February 2014, Indiana had it’s 9th coldest winter on record and its coldest since 1979, 1978 was coldest on record (Fig. 1). With such cold temperatures, many are worried about winterkill. Fig. 1. In the past 120 years, this was the 9th coldest […]
With the winter snows finally melting away many are often surprised to find a series of tiny trails on the surface of their lawns and turfgrass fields. These are vole highways. Voles are often called meadow or field mice. While they are similar to a house mouse in general size and shape, they […]
Correct diagnosis is the most important step you can take toward fixing plant problems. We took the best photos we had in our libraries and put them in our apps to help you become better plant managers. The Purdue Plant Doctor suite of smart phone apps will help you diagnose and find recommendations to manage […]
With colder than normal temperatures in Indiana this winter, we are anticipating some minor winter damage. To help prepare for this we are publishing a three part series on this topic to help turfgrass managers prepare for what may await them in the spring. Look forward to the following topics over the next week. Part […]
Two teams of Purdue students traveled to San Antonio, TX to participate in the Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annual Collegiate Challenge sponsored by Hunter Industries on 24 January, 2014. During the two-hour competition, teams were divided into students pursuing either a 4-year or 2-year degree. All competitors were required to properly identify turfgrasses, weeds, […]
It is that time of year when leaves are falling faster than you can rake them in many places. It is important to rake leaves when there are many leaves on the ground (so many that you can’t see the turf underneath) so that heavy layers of leaves will not shade out, smother, and kill […]
This publication explores the aspects of purchasing and using mild steel and stainless steel tanks for farms, businesses, and public agencies. It provides important questions you should ask before you buy, offers tips to properly install tanks, and establishes guidelines for inspection and maintenance.
This article provides a 2013 update of this issue and what we hope will be the last and final update on Imprelis. This update addresses some of the frequently asked questions about Imprelis® in 2013. 2013 Imprelis® Update: Tree Maintenance, Replacement, and Disposal (PDF) (08/13) For a complete review of the facts and a more […]
The use of ride-on sprayer/spreaders by lawn care operators (LCOs) and the sports turf industry has increased dramatically since they were introduced in the 1980s. Ride-on equipment offers a number of competitive advantages over walk-behind spreaders and the hand-gun/hose-reel type of application. This publication addresses specific procedures for separately calibrating the pesticide sprayer and the […]
Last month, a commercial landscape manager in Oregon made an off label application of dinotefuran to flowering linden trees resulting in the death of more than 25,000 bumblebees and immediate action by the Oregon Department of Agriculture to implement a six month ban on all dinotefuran products labeled for landscape use The labels […]
WHAT: An Indiana Pesticide Clean Sweep Project designed to collect and dispose of suspended, canceled, banned, unusable, opened, unopened or just unwanted pesticides (weed killers, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, miticides, etc.) is being sponsored by the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC). This disposal service is free of charge up to 250 pounds per participant. […]
Perennial ryegrass seedheads are in full production now. These seedheads are tough to cut so make sure to keep your mower blades sharp. Now is a good time to sharpen your mower blades if you haven’t yet this year. Close-up of a perennial ryegrass seedhead. Perennial ryegrass seedhead in a lawn. Perennial ryegrass seedheads don’t […]
Bid now for get great deals on great golf! Click here to see what’s available. Click Indiana on the left side of the screen to see rounds up for auction now. Whether you choose to bid on courses that have challenged the greatest players in golf or whether you just want a great […]